
Basic Medical Sciences / Virology


Degree awarded:
  • M.Phil
  • M.Phil/Ph.D
  • M.Sc
  • Ph.D
  • Master of Science in Virology
Field of interest:
  • Diagnostic Virology
  • Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Virus Infection
  • Molecular Virology
  • Not Applicable
  • Viral Chemotherapy and Oncology
  • Viral Entomology
  • Virology
Entry requirements:

    General Regulations Governing Admission to Higher Degree Programmes

    • Candidates for admission to higher degree programmes shall normally be graduates of the University of Ibadan or other Universities/Institutions recognised by the Senate. Admission shall be made by the Postgraduate College on the recommendation of the appropriate Faculty Postgraduate Committee.
    • Candidates without any previous higher degrees in the relevant discipline may be admitted only to either the Degree of Master or the Professional Degree of Master.
    • Candidates with recognised “Research Higher” Degree in the relevant discipline may be admitted to the M.Phil or Ph.D. degree programmes as appropriate, on the recommendation of the appropriate Faculty Postgraduate Committee.
    • A candidate admitted to the degree of Master of University of Ibadan who obtained a weighted average mark of 55.0 – 59.9%, or a CGPA of between 4.0 and 4.9 may be offered provisional admission to the M.Phil./Ph.D programmes. Such candidates shall be assessed within three semesters of full time and four semesters of part time registration for the M.Phil/Ph.D to Ph.D conversion. This shall also apply to students who graduated from other universities 


    • All University of Ibadan graduates should be admitted to Postgraduate programme with the ordinary level criteria existing at the time their first admission. Candidate who did not fulfill the requirements as at the time of their admission are not eligible for consideration.
    • Special consideration may be given to candidates, who obtained their first degree not less than 20 years from the time of seeking admission to any postgraduate programmes. Such candidates must have been found to possess special skills or abilities and professionally or academically engaged during the period of 20 years.


How to apply:
Apply online

Virology is the branch of microbiology that focuses on the study of viruses, which are small infectious agents that can cause various diseases in living organisms. Virologists study the structure, classification, genetics, replication, and interactions of viruses with their host organisms. Here's a general overview of the course content in Virology:

Virus Structure: 

  • Students study the basic structure of viruses, including their genetic material, protein coat, and potential envelope.

Viral Classification: 

  • Courses cover the classification of viruses based on their genetic material, structure, and replication strategies.

Virus-Host Interactions: 

  • Students learn about how viruses interact with their host cells, including attachment, entry, and replication.

Viral Genome Replication: 

  • Courses focus on the replication strategies of DNA and RNA viruses, including DNA replication, transcription, and translation.

Viral Assembly and Release: 

  • Students study the processes involved in the assembly of new virus particles and their release from host cells.

Viral Enzymes: 

  • Courses cover viral enzymes involved in replication, such as polymerases and proteases.

Mutation and Variation: 

  • Students learn about the high mutation rates of viruses and their implications for viral evolution.

Recombination and Reassortment: 

  • Courses cover the processes by which viruses can exchange genetic material, leading to new viral strains.

Emergence of New Viruses: 

  • Students study the factors contributing to the emergence of novel viruses and the potential for pandemics.

Host Immune Response: 

  • Courses cover how the immune system recognizes and responds to viral infections.

Viral Evasion Strategies: Students learn how viruses can evade the immune response, leading to chronic infections.


  • Courses focus on the mechanisms by which viruses cause disease in host organisms, including cell damage and immune-mediated effects.

Diagnostic Techniques: 

  • Students learn about laboratory methods for detecting and identifying viral infections, such as serological tests and molecular assays.

Antiviral Therapies: 

  • Courses cover antiviral drugs and treatment strategies for various viral infections.

Vaccine Development: 

  • Students study the principles of vaccine development and the challenges of creating effective viral vaccines.

Disease Transmission: 

  • Courses cover how viruses are transmitted between hosts, including person-to-person transmission and vector-borne transmission.

Outbreak Investigation: 

  • Students learn about investigating viral outbreaks, including contact tracing, source identification, and containment strategies.

Global Health Implications: 

  • Courses focus on the impact of viral infections on global health, including vaccination campaigns and disease surveillance.


  • Students study retroviruses, which include HIV, and their unique replication strategies.

Oncogenic Viruses: 

  • Courses cover viruses that can cause cancer and the mechanisms by which they transform host cells.

Viral Biotechnology: 

  • Students learn about using viruses as vectors for gene therapy and vaccine delivery.

Few/Some of the Course Content


PVM 715Disease Surveillance and Emergency Preparedness
CPY 731Immunology
EMS 727Biostatistics
VIR 709Molecular Virology
BIC 708Molecular Biology
VIR 707Viral Chemotherapy and Oncology
VIR 708Project
VIR 706Tissue Culture
VIR 705Research Techniques and Current Topics in     Virology
VIR 704Diagnostic Virology
VIR 702Epidemiology Pathogenesis of Virus Iinfection and Viral Pathology
VIR 701General Virology and Viral Entomology
EMS 721Principles of Epidemiology
EMS 726Research Methodology

Entry Requirement


Career Path

Graduates of Virology programs have diverse career opportunities in research, healthcare, public health, and more. They play a critical role in understanding viral infections, developing diagnostics, and advancing antiviral therapies. Here are some common career paths for graduates:


  • Many graduates work as virology researchers, studying the biology and behavior of viruses.

Clinical Virologist: 

  • Graduates can work in clinical laboratories, diagnosing viral infections and interpreting test results.


  • Some graduates specialize in tracking viral outbreaks and analyzing patterns of disease transmission.

Medical Scientist: 

  • Graduates can conduct research to develop new antiviral therapies and vaccines.

Public Health Officer: 

  • Many graduates work for government agencies, developing strategies to control and prevent viral infections.


  • Some graduates focus on studying the immune response to viral infections and developing immunotherapies.

Biotechnology Researcher: 

  • Graduates can work in biotech companies, developing viral vectors for gene therapy and vaccine production.

Pharmaceutical Researcher: 

  • Some graduates work in pharmaceutical companies, designing and testing antiviral drugs.

Molecular Diagnostics Specialist: 

  • Graduates can specialize in using molecular techniques to diagnose viral infections.

Academic Educator: 

  • Some graduates become educators, teaching virology and microbiology at universities and colleges.

Medical Writer: 

  • Graduates with strong communication skills can write educational materials, articles, and reports about viruses.

Infectious Disease Specialist: 

  • Some graduates become medical doctors specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of viral infections.

Global Health Consultant: 

  • Graduates can work with international organizations to address viral infections in low-resource settings.

Biodefense and Biosecurity Expert: 

  • Some graduates work in government agencies or research institutions to develop strategies for responding to viral threats.

Vaccine Researcher: 

  • Graduates can work in vaccine development, focusing on creating effective vaccines against viral diseases.

Virology graduates play a crucial role in understanding, controlling, and preventing viral infections that impact human and animal health. Their work contributes to advancements in medical science, public health, and the development of therapies to combat viral diseases.



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